Izza Abu Haija

(Einstein Doctoral Fellow)
Multilingual Authors: Women Writers in Palestinian Literary History in Israel (1948-)
Multilingual Authors: Women Writers in Palestinian Literary History in Israel (1948-)
This research project aims at envisaging multilingual (Arabic-Hebrew-English) features in the literary production of Palestinian women writers in Israel since 1948. This is a survey based both on the consultation of a restricted corpus since 1948 that will be supported by a series of interviews with the writers themselves. The topic overlaps between gender studies as well as multilingual theories. The project expects to shed light on the representation of Palestinian women authors of Israel (1948-present) through their literary writings. With the aim of examining a literary production less visible in both Palestinian and Arab literature, our research aims at highlighting an invisible but prolific production that will tell us about the characteristics of the literary voices of Palestinian women in Israel and their choice of language(s).
Erstgutachterin: Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler
Zweitgutachterin: Refqa Abu Remaileh
Drittgutachter: Jonas Sibony (Sorbonne Universität Paris)