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Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zayed (Affiliierter Postdoktorand)

Engaging with Paradigm(s) of Decoloniality/De-colonisability: Constructing a Dialogic Encounter between Frantz Fanon and Malek Bennabi

Al-Zayed, Mahmoud

Dr. Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo (Affiliierte Postdoktorandin)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IAAW, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo

Dr. Ken Chitwood (Stipendiat der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung)

Puerto Rican Muslims and the Idea(l) of “Muslim Cosmopolitanism”

Ken Chitwood

Dr. Amaan Merali (Stipendiat der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung)

Imperial Rivalry and Muslim Reform: The Ottomans and the Ismailis, 1850-1920


Dr. Erol Saglam (Affiliierter Postdoktorand)

States in Flux: Reconfigurations of Statecraft, Governance, and Citizenship in Contemporary Turkey

Erol Saglam



Jahrgang 2024

Ravza Belemir Aydin

(Elsa Neumann Fellow)

Mirroring Ordinary Intimacies: An Ethnographic Study of Turkish-owned and Women-only Hair-Salons in Berlin


Oualid El Khattabi

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Arabistik FU Berlin

Character and Characterisation in Premodern Arabic Fiction,8-11 C.

Oualid, Dresden 2024

Suna Kafadar

(Gerda Henkel Fellow)

The Turkification of Istanbul: Expulsion of Rum Polites and the Destruction ofIstanbul's Natural Environment in the Mid-20th Century


Cheng Ma

“Where to go?” Making Islamic Thought in Digitalised China

Cheng Ma Portrait

Nourhan Maher


Art and Existentialism: Arab Diaspora in Berlin


Carlos Sanchez


Turkey’s National-Religious Identity in the Diaspora: Turkey's Presidency of Religious Affairs and Non-State Religious Organisations in Europe

Razi. Bild

Vivienne Schommer

(Gerda Henkel Fellow)

Feminism and the Women's Press in Lebanon and Syria, 1909-1932

DSCF0590 2

Hanna Schrodt

(Friedrich Ebert Fellow, assoziiert)

Religion as a factor in development cooperation in Arab countries


Razi Shaikh

(Gerda Henkel Fellow)

Pilgrims to the Promised Land. Civility and Citizenship in the Indian Muslim Imagination (1857-1947)


Birte Spreckelsen

(Elsa Neumann Fellow)

Exposed: Practices of İfşa in Turkish Tabloid press, Pornography and Feminists Activism


Ramina Yachkaschi

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / OSI FU Berlin

Emancipation over Time and Space: Emancipation Journies of Diasporic Women


Jahrgang 2023

Feyza Daloğlu

(Associate Fellow)

A Port Town from Scratch: The Interwoven Urban Landscape of Late 19th Century Iskenderun


Salam Ebeid

(DAAD Stipendiatin)

Ecological Intimacies and Insecurities in Egypt's South: Navigating Water


Fatema Hubail

(DAAD Stipendiatin)

Silencing Gender Violence Online: A Study of the Arab World's Digital Margins


Barkat Hussain


Emergence, Formation, and Transmission of Siharfi Tradition among Muslim Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir: Poetry, Performativity, and Politics

Barkat Photo Website  (1)_page-0001

Hanna Janatka

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiatin)

Anti-colonial Discourses in Metropolises of Exile: Arab Student Networks from Geneva to Berlin (1908-1939)


Samar Khan

(Fellow der Dr. Möllenkamp-Stiftung)

Making of the Arab Identity in 20th Century Chilean Literature


Leonie Rau

(Stipendiatin der Doktorandenschule des Max Planck Instituts für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 'Knowledge and Its Resources'; Associate Fellow of BGSMCS)

Tracing an Epistemic Genre: Premodern Arabic Recipe Collections as Resources of Knowledge


Simon Trunk

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiat)

Hidžra, Vatan and the Question of Belonging. Discussing, Handling and Combating Muslim Emigration from Bosnia, 1878–1918


Sara Zanotta

(Associate Fellow)

Long-distance Constitutionalists: The Transborder Connections of Iranians Outside the Qajar Empire and the Origins and Survival of the 1906-1907 Fundamental Laws


Jahrgang 2022

Mariam Aboughazi

The Aftermath of Hope: Defeat, Recovery and Dreams

Aleksei Akseshin

The Infrastructure of a minority: Salvation and Disconnectedness in the Sharia

Aleksei Akseshin

Mariam Elashmawy

(Gerda Henkel Doctoral Fellow)

The Commendatory Republic in 1930s Egypt: Al-Taṣawwuf al-Islāmī, Affective Ties, and the Network of Commendations in al-Ma’rifā

Mariam Elashmawy

Ansar Jasim

State-society relations in Iraq: Understanding spatial politics in a city of revolution(s)


Doaa Kaddah

Our Green Clean Maadi: Dialectical Imagination and Material (Re)formation of an Egyptian Elite Town

Doaa Kaddah

Talha Murat

From Ottoman Capital to Cairo: Sufi Intellectual Networks at the Turn of the Century (1882-1908)


Ariff Hafizi Radzi

Southeast Asia and Beyond: Mapping Muslim Solidarities and Transregional Connections during the Long Sixties (1960s-1980s)


Ruben Schenzle

Utopia arabica: Utopian Thought in the Arabic Literature of al-Andalus



Jahrgang 2021

Aslı Altınışık

(Elsa Neumann Stipendiatin)

Multisensorial Experiences on an Affective Island: Democracy and Liberties Island in Istanbul


Nagat Emara

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiatin)

A study of epistemological transformations of Islamic knowledge production in the western diasporic context during the interwar period 1918–1939


Iftikhar Hussain


Divided Families and Belonging in Kargil


Khouloud Khalfallah

Classifying the Variety of the Arabic Versions of Kalīla wa-Dimna


T. P. Muhammad Ashraf

(DAAD Stipendiat)

Channelling Piety and Progress: Migration, Organised Religion, and the South Indian Migrant Islamic Groups in the Arabian Gulf

Muhammad Ashraf Thachara Padikkal

Muhammed Vural

(Stipendiat des Avicenna-Studienwerks)

Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Biomedical Ethics – the Case of Brain Death and Organ Transplantation


Felix Wessel

(Stipendiat der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)

From Guilds to Trade Unions. Labour Organization in Syria in the late Ottoman Empire and under the French Mandate


Okcan Yıldırımtürk

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiat)

Re-Imagining Famagusta during the late Ottoman and early British rule in Cyprus: A Ruined City between Communities and Empires


Mehmet Özgün Özkul

(Elsa-Neumann Stipendiat)

New Spaces, New Actors: Religious Authority in the Age of Digitalization


Jahrgang 2020

Izza Abu Haija

(Einstein Doctoral Fellow)

Multilingual Authors: Women Writers in Palestinian Literary History in Israel (1948-)


Deborshi Chakraborty

(Gerda Henkel Doctoral Fellow)

The Quest for National Identity of the Bengali Muslims: The Making of Bengali Nationalism in the Late Colonial Period (1900-1947))


Soufiane Chinig

(DAAD Doctoral Fellow)

Writing on Kingdom Walls: Narratives and acculturation in the MENA region – A comparison between Jordan and Morocco


Farid El-Ghawaby

(Gerda Henkel Doctoral Fellow)

Tracing the Paths of Islamic Manuscripts – Towards a Reconstruction of Translocated Material of the Qubbat al-Ḫazna

Farid El-Ghawaby

Constanze Fertig

(Einstein Doctoral Fellow)

Muṣallā sites and praying practices among Jordanian Bedouin (1950–today)

Fertig Constanze

Aslı Gücin

(Stipendiatin der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)

Protecting the Sacred Nature of Dersim: Environmental Activism at the Margins


Muhammedali Puthoor

(DAAD Doctoral Fellow)

One party for various Muslims: AIMIM and its Muslim constituents in Hyderabad


Robin Schmahl

(Doctoral Fellow)

A Tale of Two Narratives: Deliberative Systems in Egypt during the French Military Campaign of 1798-1801 and the Inception of the Modern Middle East


Jahrgang 2019

Dilshat Amrayev

Reaction of local Egyptian population to the rule of Turkish Mamluk Sultanate. A foreign military aristocracy or defenders of Islam?


Santram Antil

(Affiliierter Doktorand)

Wrestling and Body politics: Negotiations of Religious Identity among Wrestlers in North India

Santram Antil

Elif Conker

(Stipendiatin der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

The Ottoman Responses to the Wahhabi Movement ( 1744/5-1818)


Zeynep Ertuğrul

(Stipendiatin der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

Preaching the Republic: The Spokespeople of the Single-Party Regime in Turkey


Peyman Eshaghi

(Stipendiat der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

Piety, Power and Trans-imperial Relations: History and Politics of Iranian Hajj (1796 - 1925)


Binyamin Lawal

Expansion of the Sacred into the Public Space: Spatial Contestation between Muslims and Christians in Jos, Plateau State Nigeria


Tang Man

The Lifeworlds of Salar Muslims in Qinghai Considered in the Context of Chinas Belt and Road Infrastructural Project: An Existential-Anthropological Study


Udi Raz

Queers as in „Semites“: Redefining Otherness in today`s Germany


Jahrgang 2018

Asmaa Essakouti

Realms of Strangers: Readers, Language, and Trickery in Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī


Ingrid Evans

The Literary World of Ibn Nubāta al-Miṣrī (d. 768/1366)

Ingrid Evans

Vincent Favier

Preachers & Teachers: (filming) ideological performance, orders and disorders among/between Salafi, pentecostal students and teachers on the university campuses of Niamey, Niger, and Ibadan, Nigeria.


Philip Geisler

(Stipendiat der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

Dis-Playing Islam in the Early Twenty-First Century: Objects, Performance, and Space in the Museum


Yasmin Ismail

Where is my Ummah? Understanding the influence of transnational networks on inter-Muslim relations in Southern Africa


Wikke Jansen

Negotiating the Relationship between Gender, Sexuality and Religion in Indonesia

Wikke Jansen

Rustam Samadov

Life, work and religious networks of Tajik labour migrants: How emigration changes traditional solidarity structures in Tajikistan


Silvia Wolf

Performing Global Dakwah in Indonesia

Silvia Wolf

Salwa Yahya

(Stipendiatin der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

Caste-based Muslim claims on the Indian state: a study of the Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz


Özgür Ögütcü

(Stipendiat der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

From Empire to Nation State. A Comparative Analysis of the Emergence of Airspace in the 1920s-1950s Middle East

Özgür Ögütcü

Hale Şaşmaz

(Stipendiatin der Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)

Gender Politics in Regime Transition: Woman Intellectuals in the Early Republican Era (1918-1945)


Jahrgang 2017

Iskandar Ahmad Abdalla

Rendering Islam Liberal: Secularism, Sexuality and the Politics of Muslim Self-appropriation in Germany

Iskandar BGSMCS

Nayera Abdelrahman Soliman

Between Home and Nation. Forced Displacement and National Identity in post-1952 Egypt


Müge Akpinar

"In Quest of Lost Remedy": Body, Health and Identity in an Islamic Medicine Inspired Healing Movement in Turkey


Sulaiman Adewale Alagunfon

Intersecting Possible Effects: Cultural Trajectories in the Maqamat of Yoruba Scholars

Sulaiman alagunfon

Yousry Elseadawy

The scribes of Arabic manuscripts. A historical and codicological study


Alireza Hodaei

From Tbilisi to Tabriz; Muslim Intellectuals in South Caucasus and Making the Constitutional Revolution in Iran 1906-1911


Clemens Holzgruber

Jihadi-Salafism Contested. Analysing Jihadi-Salafi Debates on Belief, Jihad, and Islamic Governance.


Sumrin Kalia

Muslim Identity and Civic Engagement; Exploring Pakistan’s Urban Youth Attitudes


Benedikt Reier

Archive Fever in Egypt and Syria: The Social Logic and Use of Biographical Dictionaries in the Mamluk Period (1250-1517 CE)


Dimetri Whitfield (2017-2019)

Truth in Masculinity & Muslimness: Young Men of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in the Gambia


Promovierende der Jahrgänge 2016-2008

Sara Abbas (Jahrgang 2014)

Delivering salvation: The women of the Islamist Movement and the discourses and practices of Sudan’s Civilization(al) Project

Sara Abbas

Zubair Ahmad (Jahrgang 2015)

The History of the Present: A Postcolonial Genealogy of Germany's Politics of Islam


Heba Amin (Jahrgang 2016)

Reconfigured Territories in the MENA Region: Visualized Landscapes in the Era of Digitization and Migration


Muhammed Niyas Ashraf (Jahrgang 2015)

Entanglements of Print Culture and Trajectories of Community Formation: Mappila Muslims of Kerala, 1867 - 1956


Lucía Cirianni Salazar (Jahrgang 2016)

Coping with Closure. Pasts and Fates of the Turkish Tekkes

Lucía Cirianni Salazar

Mohammed Swalih Errata Parambil (Jahrgang 2015)

Everyday Ethics: Towards an Ethnography of Two Key Texts in the Islamic Everyday Life of Mappilas in Contemporary Kerala, South India


Markus Fiebig (Jahrgang 2013)

Mosque education in inner northwestern China between tradition and modernity


Saidolimkhon Gaziev (Jahrgang 2016)

The politics of gender in a colonial Islamic society: governing 'womanhood' in late 19th- and early 20th-century Russian Central Asia


Saima Haq (Jahrgang 2013)

Cinema,Cultures and Marker of Muslim Identity

2013_saima haq

Sarah Hartmann

The Informal Education Sector in Egypt: Between State, Market, and Civil Society


Liese Hoffmann (Jahrgang 2013)

Meanings of School in Post-Colonial Coastal Kenya


Zacky Khairul Umam (Jahrgang 2014)

Master of Two Oceans: Mulla Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1690) and the Medinan School for Religious Reformism

Zacky Khairul Umam

Eva Marie Kogel (Jahrgang 2009)

Zwischen Gotteslob und religiöser Debatte: Eine formenkritische Untersuchung hymnischer Passagen im Koran


Miriam Kurz (Jahrgang 2015-2022)

Mosque Space(s) in Berlin: Configurations of Gender in Social Practice and the Constitution of Islamic Spaces. An Ethnographic Study


Kristina Mashimi (Jahrgang 2012)

Beyond Classrooms: Ethics and Education at Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania


Jovo Miladinović (Jahrgang 2016)

Mobilization of Manpower at the End and during the Change of Empires in the Multi-Confessional Borderland "Sandjak" (1900s-1920s)


Soheb Ur-Rahman Niazi (Jahrgang 2016)

Social Stratification at a Muslim Qasbah: The Case of Amroha in Colonial India


Barbara Ogbone (Jahrgang 2011)

The impact of as-safar lil-ʿilm – translocal migration in search of religious education among Togolese Muslims

2011_Barbara Ogbone

Ali Sakr (Jahrgang 2016)

Die Poetik als Teil eines philosophischen Wissenschaftssystems: Der Poetik-Kommentar Ibn Sinas in seiner Summa "Die Genesung der Seele"


Anne Schönfeld (Jahrgang 2010)

Islam-specific knowledge production between science, politics and the public: The training of imams in Germany.


Masouda Stelzer (Jahrgang 2014)

Promoting Democracy in Times of Uprisings: the discourse of German political aid in Egypt

Masouda Stelzer

Adela Taleb (Jahrgang 2014)

Transcending national boundaries. The role of the EU and pan-European Muslim organisations in the discursive field of "European Islam".

Adela Taleb

Mareike Transfeld (Jahrgang 2015)

Working Title: The New Yemen(s): (Re-)Imagining National Identity, Geography and State on Facebook (2011-2016)


André Weißenfels (Jahrgang 2016)

Products of Work: Hybrid Subjectivities of Employees in Tunisia
