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Jahrgang 2023

Feyza Daloğlu

(Associate Fellow)

A Port Town from Scratch: The Interwoven Urban Landscape of Late 19th Century Iskenderun


Salam Ebeid

(DAAD Stipendiatin)

Ecological Intimacies and Insecurities in Egypt's South: Navigating Water


Fatema Hubail

(DAAD Stipendiatin)

Silencing Gender Violence Online: A Study of the Arab World's Digital Margins


Barkat Hussain


Emergence, Formation, and Transmission of Siharfi Tradition among Muslim Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir: Poetry, Performativity, and Politics

Barkat Photo Website  (1)_page-0001

Hanna Janatka

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiatin)

Anti-colonial Discourses in Metropolises of Exile: Arab Student Networks from Geneva to Berlin (1908-1939)


Samar Khan

(Fellow der Dr. Möllenkamp-Stiftung)

Making of the Arab Identity in 20th Century Chilean Literature


Leonie Rau

(Stipendiatin der Doktorandenschule des Max Planck Instituts für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 'Knowledge and Its Resources'; Associate Fellow of BGSMCS)

Tracing an Epistemic Genre: Premodern Arabic Recipe Collections as Resources of Knowledge


Simon Trunk

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiat)

Hidžra, Vatan and the Question of Belonging. Discussing, Handling and Combating Muslim Emigration from Bosnia, 1878–1918


Sara Zanotta

(Associate Fellow)

Long-distance Constitutionalists: The Transborder Connections of Iranians Outside the Qajar Empire and the Origins and Survival of the 1906-1907 Fundamental Laws
