Ingrid Evans
The Literary World of Ibn Nubāta al-Miṣrī (d. 768/1366)
My Ph.D. project takes the textual practices of the eighth/fourteenth century poet and prose writer, Ibn Nubāta al-Miṣrī, as a lens to examine Mamluk literary culture in a bottom-up approach. As a writer who is both representative of the Mamluk encyclopedic impetus and innovative in his experimentation with genres, Ibn Nubāta provides an exemplary entry point to understanding how Mamluk authors situated themselves in a particular literary tradition. My approach is twofold, combining a codicological study of manuscripts with close readings of representative selections of Ibn Nubāta’s prose works. In a broader sense, I am interested in most questions of literary culture that touch on the Mamluk period (648-923/1250-1517), especially those involving adab anthologies and commentaries, as well as the era’s protean forms of autobiography and authorial self-representation. Side-interests include the history of Ourʾān exegesis and literary translation.
First Supervisor: PD Dr. Isabel Toral
“Verwobene Denkräume: Der Koran in Europa“, in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 2020; 115 (1), 11-20.