Mariam Elashmawy

(Gerda Henkel Doctoral Fellow)
The Commendatory Republic in 1930s Egypt: Al-Taṣawwuf al-Islāmī, Affective Ties, and the Network of Commendations in al-Ma’rifā
Elashmawy, Mariam. “Can the Qazani Speak?: Nineteenth Century Naqshbandi Migrants and Translators in Mecca during the Age of Print,” in Narratives of Dislocation in the Arab World, Routledge, 2023, 138-60.
Elashmawy, Mariam. “‘The Sons of the Pasha are Fallāḥīn’: The Taymūriyya Brothers in Interwar Egypt.” Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 2023 (43): 33-60.
Elashmawy, Mariam. "The Evolution of Arab Print Culture." Fiker Essays (July 2023). Accessed at:
Elashmawy, Mariam. "Bint al-Shati' and the Forgotten Narratives of the Nahda." Fiker Essays (January 2024). Accessed at: