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Soufiane Chinig


(DAAD Doctoral Fellow)

Writing on Kingdom Walls: Narratives and acculturation in the MENA region – A comparison between Jordan and Morocco

WRITING ON KINGDOM WALLS: Narratives and acculturation in the MENA region – A comparison between Jordan and Morocco

This PhD proposal is about a comparative study on the subcultural narratives, forms of resistance, and the process of acculturation in North Africa and the Middle East. By focusing on the cities of Rabat, Morocco, and Amman, Jordan, I attempt to question different forms of youth expressions, such as wall-writings, street art, and graffiti.

Since writing or painting something on a wall already implies a claim of relevance, importance, and reality, this study looks for what wall expressions do, the extent to which they have a particularly political place in society, and how they relate to socio-political transformations. 

Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse

Zweitgutachter: Samuli Schielke

Drittgutachter: Reda Benkirane