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Hansjörg Dilger: Book Launch "Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania"

News vom 19.05.2022

Hansjörg Dilger (FU Berlin) 
Book Launch "Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania"

Response by Prof. Abdulkader Tayob (University of Cape Town)


Prof. Kai Kresse (Vice-Director for Research, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient)
Stephanie Kitchen (Managing Editor of the International African Library series / International African Institute)

Time: 8 June 2022, 4-6 p.m.

Location: Otto-von-Simson Str. 26, Room L 113 or online: acces code, see below

About the book:

Christian and Muslim schools have become important target points in families and pupils' quests for new study opportunities and securing a 'good life' in Tanzania. These schools combine secular education with the moral (self-)formation of young people, triggering new realignments of the fields of education with interreligious co-existence and class formation in the country's urban centres. Hansjörg Dilger explores the emerging entanglements of faith, morality, and the educational market in Dar es Salaam, thereby shedding light on processes of religious institutionalisation and their individual and collective embodiment. By contextualising these dynamics through analysis of the politics of Christian-Muslim relations in postcolonial Tanzania, this book shows how the field of education has shaped the positions of these highly diverse religious communities in diverging ways. In doing so, Dilger suggests that students and teachers' religious experience and practice in faith-oriented schools are shaped by the search for socio-moral belonging as well as by the power relations and inequalities of an interconnected world.

For more information about the book on the publisher's website CLICK HERE

The Berlin Anthropology Seminar Series constitutes a joint initiative by anthropologists from FU Berlin, ZMO, and Ethnologisches Museum. It intends to shape and cultivate an inclusive platform and open regular meeting point for exchange and discussion on current research by Berlin based anthropologists. Please spread the word among colleagues, junior or senior, who may be interested. For further questions contact m.oschwald@fu-berlin.de

Organizers: Judith Albrecht, Paola Ivanov, Claudia Liebelt, Jonas Bens, and Kai Kresse.

Full program of Berlin Anthropology Series Summer 2022 CLICK HERE

Join us online in our Webex room or on-site in the FU seminar centre, Otto-von Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin (room number on programme)
Webex link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/webappng/sites/fu-berlin/meeting/info/76cb3f179aff436f9977d7838ff0b0a3?MTID=m0b012bd8f1580ce31fbc0516a908ef46 
Access Code: 2732 215 0980
Meeting Password: CGtFd74UdM3

Zeit & Ort

08.06.2022 | 16:00 - 18:00

Room L113, Seminarzentrum | Freie Universität Berlin 
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, 14195 Berlin

23 / 58