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Dr. Sanaa Alimia

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Postdoctoral Fellow POINT (2014-2016)

Street Politics, Moral Lives and Transnationalism: Afghan Refugees and Pakistani Citizens in Karachi and Peshawar

Street Politics, Moral Lives and Transnationalism: Afghan Refugees and Pakistani Citizens in Karachi and Peshawar 

Sanaa's work explores how urban cities in Pakistan are composed of different local, national, transnational, and multinational actors and spaces. She does so by exploring how Afghan refugees, undocumented migrants, as well as 'devalued' Pakistani citizens sustain cities such as Karachi and Peshawar. Using oral interviews, ethnographic research, and discourse analysis her project explores how these actors are placed in spatial and epistemological 'margins' and, then, how they challenge and navigate out of these margins.

Sanaa Alimias persönliches Profil (ZMO Website)