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Rune Reyhé

Rune Reyhe

Columbia University

Weatherhead East Asian Institute

Postdoctoral Fellow HONOR (2014-2015)

Columbia University, Weatherhead East Asian Institute (2015 - 2016):

International Network to Expand Regional and Collaborative Teaching (INTERACT) Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harriman Institute

Projekt: Kinship, exchange, Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Xinjiang, money/finance, border trade, social networks and community

Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Research School (2014 - 2015):

Postdoctoral Fellow, HONORS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dahlem Research School

Dissertationsprojekt (2009 - 2014):

Marriage and Social Interaction in a Semi-rural Uyghur Community of Kashgar


  • Reyhé, Rune and Linus Strothmann. 2009. "Für eine Methodik des Zu-Zweit-Forschens, Erfahrungsbericht eines Dialogs", in  P. Berger, J. Berrenberg, B. Fuhrmann, J. Seebode and C. Strümpell (eds), Feldforschung/Fieldwork - Ethnologische Zugänge zu sozialen Wirklichkeiten/Social Realities in Anthropological Perspectives, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, pp. 463-486.