Dr. Annalaura Turiano
Associating to do good (‘amal al-khayri): Philanthropy activism and charitable practice in Egypt (1920-1970)
Annalaura Turiano completed her Ph.D. in History and Middle Eastern studies at Aix-Marseille University in 2016. Her thesis is a study of the Italian Salesian missionaries and their network of vocational schools in Egypt between 1890 and 1970. It adds to the study of missionaries, education, trans-Mediterranean migrations and history of labour in modern Egypt.
Between 2008 and 2016, she taught Arabic, History of Modern Islam, and History of the Middle East and North Africa (19th-21st centuries) at Aix-Marseille University, and at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in Paris.
Between January and July 2017, she was based at the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO) in Cairo where she conducted her fieldwork as a postdoctoral fellow at Aix-Marseille University. Her current research interests cover welfare and benevolent practices in Modern Egypt.
Associating to do good (‘amal al-khayri): Philanthropy activism and charitable practice in Egypt (1920-1970)
My current project investigates the development of a network of benevolent societies in Egypt between the 1920s and the 1970s. It analyses how benevolent societies participated in shaping and re-shaping discourses and practices about charity. By extending the analysis beyond the July 23 Revolution, this study explores the continuities and discontinuities in charitable and benevolent practices. It adds to a growing body of literature, which explores Middle Eastern social transformations through the lens of philanthropy and charitable endeavours.
- Co-edited books :
2017. With S. Chiffoleau et al (eds.), Le Moyen-Orient de 1876 à 1980, Paris : Éditions Atlande, Collection Clefs-concours.
- Peer-reviewed articles :
2017, With Joseph Viscomi, “From Immigrant to emigrants: Salesian Education and the Failed integration of Italians in Egypt, 1937-1960”, Modern Italy, 23, 1 (available online: doi:10.1017/mit.2017.47)
Forthcoming, « État, réformistes et philanthropes. Un état des lieux de l’enseignement scolaire industriel dans l’Égypte coloniale (1882-1919)», Education au Maghreb et au Moyen Orient special issue of the Review Histoire de l’éducation (accepted December 2017)
- Book chapters
2017. « Le départ des Italiens d’Égypte (1930-1960) : temporalités et encadrement », in Virginie Baby-Collin et al. (eds.), Migrations et temporalités en Méditerranée. Les Migrations à l’épreuve du Temps (XIXe-XXIe siècles), Aix-en-Provence :Éditions de la MMSH/ Actes Sud, pp. 59-75.
2016. « Le consul, le missionnaire et le migrant. Contrôler et encadrer la main d’œuvre italienne à Alexandrie à la fin du XIXe siècle », in Leyla Dakhli et Vincent Lemire (eds.), Etudier en liberté les mondes méditerranéens. Mélanges offerts à Robert Ilbert, Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, pp. 337-349.