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Virtual Stories: Digital Artistic Agency of Middle Eastern Children and Youth

Call for art works of young Middle Eastern digital artists

News from Oct 12, 2021

“Virtual Stories: Digital Artistic Agency of Middle Eastern Children and Youth,” (Nazan Maksudyan, PI) which is funded by the Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE) of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) and hosted by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is aiming at bringing to the fore the digital agency of young artists from the Middle East.

“Virtual Stories” is calling for applications of young Middle Eastern digital artists to submit their works for a prize competition in three broadly defined artistic categories: text, image, and sound. Art works may include but are not limited to digital story, photograph, video, song, sound installation, clip, video game, podcast, digital drawing, 3D modeling, animation, web and app design.

For further information visit https://www.virtualstoriesberlin.com and read the Call for Art Works.

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