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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gudrun Krämer

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gudrun Krämer

Freie Universität Berlin

Institute of Islamic Studies

Currently not available for supervision of new PhD students

Field: Islamic Studies, History

Areas of research: History and culture of the Near East since the Early Modern Period; reform of Islamic thought; Islamic movements; Islamic political thought; non-Muslims under Islamic rule


First supervisor of completed PhD projects:

"Race matters." Afroamerikanische Muslime zwischen Widerstand und Anpassung (Katrin Simon)

"Zwanzig Jahre Alltag - Das Journal des Ahmad Ibn Tawq als Selbstzeugnis" (Torsten Wollina)

Dār al-Islām Revisited. Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West (Sarah Albrecht)

Modernity's Other: An Intellectual Anthropology of Radical Islamic Thought (Saud Al-Zaid)

Warenwelt Islam. Konsumkultur und Ästhetik der Waren im zeitgenössischen Syrien (Alina Kokoschka)

Strategies for Changing Stages: Transferring Theatre between Islamicate and European Societies (Nora Marianne Haakh)

Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia und Sunna. Ḫvāndamīrs (gest. 1535/6) Ḥabīb as-siyar und seine Rezeption im Handschriftenzeitalter (Philip Bockholt)

Picturing the Islamicate World in the Tenth Century. The Story of al-IIṣṭaḫrī’s "Book of Routes and Realms" (Nadja Danilenko)

The 'Black Hole' of the Brotherhood: The Evolution of a Youth Group to a Political Party (Nicholas Gjorvad)

Zwischen Isolation und globaler Rezeption: Muhammad Rashid Rida im Kontext seines intellektuellen Milieus (Oriana Kochbeck)


First supervisor of current PhD projects:

Translokale muslimische Bildungsmigration - Auswirkungen der safer lil-ilm togolesischer Muslime (Barbara Ogbone)

Islamic education in inner northwestern China (Markus Fiebig)

Jihadi-Salafism Contested. Analyzing Jihadi-Salafi Debates on Belief, Jihad, and Islamic Governance (Clemens Holzgruber)