Nadja Danilenko

Universität Hamburg
Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Written Artefacts", Universität Hamburg
Nadja Danilenko's research interests revolve around the history of cartography and knowledge, with a special focus on manuscripts. Nadja finished her PhD at Freie Universität Berlin in 2018. Her dissertation investigates the message of al-Iṣṭakhrī’s maps in the Book of Routes and Realms as well as the transmission of the treatise for almost a millennium. Nadja Danilenko is currently a Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts. Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures at Universität Hamburg, where she analyzes the circulation of geographic literature in sixteenth-century Istanbul and the transformations in representing space in this period.
2016 - today
Pre- and post-archival workshops for PhD students at the BGSMCS
Summer 2015
ABV-class for BA students "Podcast zur Islamwissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin"
The results of this class, where students produced their own short podcasts, can be found at the AV-Portal der Freien Universität as well as on iTunes U.
Winter 2014/15
Arabic Reading Cpurse for the MA class "Politischer Islam und Islampolitik in Europa"
Universität Hamburg (since 2019)
Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excelence "Understanding Written Artefacts"
Freie Universität Berlin (2018 – 2019):
Postdoctoral Fellow HONORS, Seeing the World in the Ottoman Empire. Artistic Negotiation and Reading Practices in Geographic Literature
PhD research (2014 – 2018):
„Picturing the Islamicate World in the Tenth Century. The Story of al-Iṣṭaḫrī’s Book of Routes and Realms."
Danilenko, Nadja (in print): Picturing the Islamicate World. The Story of al-Iṣṭakhrī’s Book of Routes and Realms. Brill, Handbook of Oriental Studies 1, Vol. 146 (will be published in Nov. 2020).
Danilenko, Nadja (forthcoming): No Comment. Marginalia in Geographic Literature from the Tenth Century Onwards. In Brinkmann, Stefanie and Liebrenz, Boris (eds.): Marginal Matters. Explorations into Commenting and Glossing Techniques in Arabic Manuscript Cultures. Brill.
Danilenko, Nadja (forthcoming): Getting the Picture. How al-Iṣṭakhrī’s Book of Routes and Realms Made it to the Nineteenth Century. In Franz, Kurt, Antrim, Zayde and ducène, Jean-Charles (eds.): Spatial Thought in Islamicate Societies, 1000-1600. The Politics of Genre, Image, and Text. Brill, Islamic History and Civilization.
Danilenko, Nadja (forthcoming): Die islamische Welt vor Augen. Die Karten aus dem Buch der Routen und Reiche von al-Iṣṭaḫrī. In: Krüger, Klaus, Kranhold, Karin and Paefgen, Elisabeth (eds.): Erkenntnisse durch Bilder. Bildvermittlung im Deutsch-, Geschichts- und Kunstunterricht. Schneider Verlag.
Danileko, Nadja (in print): al-Muqaddasī. Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (EI3) (will be published in 2020).
Danilenko, Nadja (forthcoming): Balkhī School. Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (EI3).
Danilenko, Nadja (2019): Der apokalyptische Abessinier und die Kreuzzüge. Wandel eines frühislamischen Motivs in der Literatur und Kartografie des Mittelalters, by Mordechay Lewy. In Imago Mundi 71:2 (2019), p. 210.
Nadja hosts a German podcast about the history and culture of the Islamicate world that caters to a broad audience (“tell me a history – erzähl mir eine Geschichte”). For the episodes, Nadja interviews historians from all over Germany about events, individuals, artefacts (any many more) from the Islamicate world as well as narratives surrounding them. The episodes (28 by Summer 2020) are available on the website as well as on iTunes and in podcast-apps.