Forum Transregionale Studien: Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe (EUME)
Europe in the Middle East—the Middle East in Europe (EUME) is a multi-disciplinary research program at the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. EUME was initiated in 2006 by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and builds upon the previous work of the Working Group Modernity and Islam (1996-2006). Between 2009 and 2019, several EUME-Fellows were associated with the BGSMCS.
Abdulrahman Helli
(2016 - 2017)
The Status of Conscience in Religiosity: A Study of the Concept of Piety (Taqwā) in the Qur'an
Nahrain al-Mousawi
(2015 - 2016)
Clandestine Mediterranean: Arab-African Undocumented Migrant Literature
Ethan Menchinger
(2014 - 2015)
Last of the Ancients, First of the Moderns: The Ottoman Historian Ahmed Vasif (ca. 1730-1806)
Başak Tuğ
(2013 - 2014)
Honor, Legal Surveillance and Modernity in the Ottoman Empire, ca. Late 18th- Mid 19th Centuries
Gish Amit
(2011 - 2012)
The future of the past: Palestinian cultural assets, restitution and the politics of reconciliation
Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim
(2011 - 2012)
School Boundaries in Islamic Law: The Struggle between Utilitarianism and Puritanism
Tamer el-Leithy
(2010 - 2011)
The Biography of a Cairene Alley: Coptic Family and Property in Muslim Courts (15th-16th c.)
Nadia Nader
(2010 - 2011)
The Mihna, the Development of Muslim Legal Discourse and Contemporary Debates about Law and Morality
Bashir Bashir
(2009 - 2010)
The Risks of Peacemaking. State-Building and Humanitarian Aid in Palestine