Have you ever thought of going abroad with Erasmus+ or doing an internship during your PhD? Did you know that funding is available for doctoral mobility under the Erasmus+ mobility funding scheme?
In this info session, Early Career Researchers (PhD level) will learn more about opportunities for Doctoral Mobility under the Erasmus+ mobility funding scheme. Our invited speaker is Nicole Putbrese from the Erasmus+ Internship Team at Freie Universität Berlin.T
he info session takes place in presence at the Graduate School Villa (old building, Hittorfstr. 18). All Early Career Researchers are welcome! For preparation purposes, please be so kind to register in advance until 23 October 2022 with the GEAS team. Thanks!
Zeit & Ort
24.10.2022 | 12:30 - 13:30
Graduate School Villa
Hittorfrstr. 18
VC room (lecture hall) 010/011
14195 Berlin