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Prof. Dr. Birgit Krawietz


Freie Universität Berlin

Institute of Islamic Studies

Topics: Islamic normativity; Cultural Studies; Arab Gulf region; Turkey; material culture

Available for supervision of new PhD students

Field: Islamic Studies

Areas of research: Islamic law;  cultural history; body and sports; Arab Gulf region


First supervisor of completed PhD projects:

Council of Indonesian Ulama (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI) and its Role in the Shariatisation of Indonesia (Syafiq Hasyim)

Minding their Place Space and Religious Difference in Ibn al-Qayyim’s Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma (Antonia Bosanquet)

Theology and Legal Theory in the Fifth/Eleventh Century: A Case Study from the Shafi'i School of Law (Mohamed Eissa)

The recited Quràn and the nudity of the female voice (Rahina Muazu)

Interrelations between the Iranian Motion Picture Industry and International Film Festivals (Viktor Ullmann)


First supervisor of current PhD projects:

Ibrahim al-Kurani: The Making of a Sunni Scholar in Seventeenth Century Medina (Zacky Khairul Umam)

Shifting Normative Boundaries of Nudity: The Elasticity of Islamic Jurisprudence regarding Satr al-´Awra (Andreas Vogl)

Under God's Wide Sky. Musalla sites and praying practices among Jordanian Bedouin (1950-today) (Constanze Fertig)