Which funding suits me? Ask your questions to officials of Dahlem Research School, Elsa-Neumann-Fellowship, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Avicenna Studienwerk, and Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.
The WorldCafé on "Wege in die Promotion. Welche Stiftung passt zu mir" is jointly organised by BGSMCS and Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien (FSGS). The series aimst at providing an overview on the scholarship opportunities of German research foundations, and to start a dialogue between foundations and students interested in doing a PhD. In the webinar meetings, you have the opportunity to ask your questions to officials of different foundations. The webinars will be in German.
If you want to your questions to be asked anonymously, you can submit them via e-mail to studhk@fsgs.fu-berlin.de before the event. Please note that only questions specific to one foundation can be considered, if they are not addressed on the foundations web site.