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Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders

Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders

Freie Universität Berlin

Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science

Topics: current protests; local politics/politics from below; affect and emotion; regional focus on Maghreb, Mashreq, Gulf

Field: Political Science

Areas of research: Middle Eastern Politics and Societies, Transformations and Authoritarianism, Politics “from below” / Local Governance, Foreign Policies after September 11th, Arab-European Relations, Regional Cooperation in the Middle East, Gender and Violence, Gender and Participation, Peace and Conflict Studies


First supervisor of completed PhD projects:

Umweltschutz in Syrien. Zur ambivalenten Gestaltung von Machtverhältnissen durch zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen (Janine Budich)

Contemporary Islamic Political Discourse: Writing under Contested Autocratic Regimes (Ebtisam Hussein)

Discourses on Deviant Sects in Indonesia and Malaysia (Saskia Schäfer)

Gendering Counterinsurgency in Southern Thailand (Ruth Streicher)

Youth Subjectivity at a Post-Ideological Turn: The 2011 Revolution in Egypt and Youth´s Political Imaginary (Dina El Sharnouby)

Gender Politics in Transition. The Development of the Field of Gender Politics in the Course of Tunisia's Democratisation Process 2011-2014 (Eva Christine Schmidt)

Contested Legitimacy. Protest and the Politics of Signification in Post-Revolutionary Egypt (Jannis Grimm)


First supervisor of current PhD projects:

Delivering Salvation: The Women of the Islamist Movement and Sudan's Civilization(al) Project (Sara Abbas)

Promoting Democracy in Times of Uprisings: the discourse of German political aid in Egypt (Masouda Stelzer)

 The New Yemen(s): (Re-)Imagining National Identity, Geography and State on Facebook (2011-2016) (Mareike Transfeld)

Products of Work: Hybrid Subjectivities of Tunisian Workers (André Weißenfels)

Between Home and Nation. Forced Displacement and National Identity in post-1952 Egypt (Nayera Abdel Rahman)

Agency of the Ordinary: Structures and Processes of Local Political Violence in Revolutionary Egypt (Ahmed Saleh)