PD Dr. Andrea Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pinéu
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Asian and African Studies
Transregional Southeast Asian Studies
Available for supervision of new PhD students
Area of research: Transregional Southeast Asian Studies
- region-wise anchored in Europe and Asia (in transregional comparative perspective), with particular foci on South and Southeast Asia
- discipline-wise positioned at the interdisciplinary, inter-contextual nexus of Comparative Politics, Development Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, transition studies, social movement studies, gender studies and political sociology
- topic-wise evolving around questions of (1) political institution-building, nation-building processes, citizenship and governance processes (with a focus on intervention and transformation contexts); (2) political participation and representation; (3) civil society activisms and social movements; (4) socio-political inequalities and subsequent governance challenges through diverse forms of displacement and migration; along with (5) challenges for (critical) qualitative social sciences and their methodologies generated by multiple hegemonies and colonial legacies in heterogeneous and volatile contexts in the Global South.