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Linus Strothmann

Linus Strothmann

PhD Research (2008–2013):

Managing Piety at the Shrine of Data Ganj Bukhsh in Lahore, Pakistan

  • First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hermann Kreutzmann
  • Seceond supervisor: Prof. Dr. Toni Huber
  • Strothmann, Linus. 2016. Managing Piety: The Shrine of Data Ganj Bakhsh, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Strothmann, Linus. 2013. "Giving Comfort, Dispelling Fear: Social Welfare, Risk and Resilience at the Sufi Shrine of Data Ganj Bukhsh in Lahore, Pakistan", Erdkunde 67(1): 49-61, DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2013.01.05

  • ------. 2012. "A Shrine gone Urban: The Shrine of Data Ganj Bukhsh, Lahore, as a City within the City",in Patrick A. Desplat and Dorothea E. Schulz (eds.), Prayer in the City: The Making of Muslim Sacred Places and Urban Life, Bielefeld: Transcript.

  • ------. 2012. "Pakistan's State-run Shrines:  Establishment and Contestation of a National Religious Identity at Punjab ́s most important Sufi Shrine", in Hermann Kreutzmann and Talat Mahmood (eds), Understanding Pakistan. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, pp. 193-210.

  • ------. 2011. "Eastern Shrines and Western Values: A subjective (self-) reflection on why Western and Western educated scholars have neglected state run Pakistani shrines", in Pervaiz Vandal (ed.), Historiography of Architecture of Pakistan and the Region, Lahore: Thaap.

  • Strothmann, Linus and Rune Reyhé. 2009. "Für eine Methodik des Zu-Zweit-Forschens, Erfahrungsbericht eines Dialogs", in  P. Berger, J. Berrenberg, B. Fuhrmann, J. Seebode and C. Strümpell (eds), Feldforschung/Fieldwork - Ethnologische Zugänge zu sozialen Wirklichkeiten/Social Realities in Anthropological Perspectives, Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, pp. 463-486.