1. Connect to the FU network
- When you’re at the Graduate School or on the campus of Freie Universität Berlin or Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, you have WiFi access through the eduroam-network. See the zedat website about eduroam for more information:
- When you’re not on the campus, you can connect tot he network by establishing a VPN connection. VPN for Mac OS X | VPN for Windows)
2. Connect to network folders
- Mac OS X:
Open the "Finder". Select "Go To" and click on "Connect with server".
Enter one of the following addresses and loging with your zedat credentials ( password):
- smb:// (for access to the "SHARE-ALL"-folder)
- smb:// (for access to your personal folder)
- Windows:
Open "Explorer", select "Computer" and click "Connect with server". - Enter one of the following addresses and loging with your zedat credentials ( password):
- smb:// (for access to the "SHARE-ALL"-folder)
- smb:// (for access to your personal folder)
- Open:
- Domain\Username: FU-Berlin\Benutzername
Password: Enter your Zedat user password