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Doctoral Fellows of the Years 2016-2008

Sara Abbas (Year 2014)

Delivering salvation: The women of the Islamist Movement and the discourses and practices of Sudan’s Civilization(al) Project


Zubair Ahmad (Year 2015)

The History of the Present: A Postcolonial Genealogy of Germany's Politics of Islam


Heba Amin (Year 2016)

Reconfigured Territories in the MENA Region: Visualized Landscapes in the Era of Digitization and Migration


Muhammed Niyas Ashraf (Year 2015)

Entanglements of Print Culture and Trajectories of Community Formation: Mappila Muslims of Kerala, 1867 - 1956


Lucía Cirianni Salazar (Year 2016)

Coping with Closure. Pasts and Fates of the Turkish Tekkes

Lucía Cirianni Salazar

Mohammed Swalih Errata Parambil (Year 2015)

Everyday Ethics: Life of Two Key Texts in the Everyday Life of Islam Among Mappilas in Contemporary Kerala, South India


Markus Fiebig (Year 2013)

Mosque education in inner northwestern China between tradition and modernity


Saidolimkhon Gaziev (Year 2016)

The politics of gender in a colonial Islamic society: governing 'womanhood' in late 19th- and early 20th-century Russian Central Asia


Saima Haq (Year 2013)

Cinema,Cultures and Marker of Muslim Identity

2013_saima haq

Sarah Hartmann

The Informal Education Sector in Egypt: Between State, Market, and Civil Society


Liese Hoffmann (Year 2013)

Meanings of School in Post-Colonial Coastal Kenya


Zacky Khairul Umam (Year 2014)

Master of Two Oceans: Mulla Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1690) and the Medinan School for Religious Reformism

Zacky Khairul Umam

Eva Marie Kogel (Year 2009)

Zwischen Gotteslob und religiöser Debatte: Eine formenkritische Untersuchung hymnischer Passagen im Koran


Miriam Kurz (Year 2015-2022)

Mosque Space(s) in Berlin: Configurations of Gender in Social Practice and the Constitution of Islamic Spaces. An Ethnographic Study


Kristina Mashimi (Year 2012)

Beyond Classrooms: Ethics and Education at Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania


Jovo Miladinović (Year 2016)

Mobilization of Manpower at the End and during the Change of Empires in the Multi-Confessional Borderland "Sandjak" (1900s-1920s)


Soheb Ur-Rahman Niazi (Year 2016)

Social Stratification at a Muslim Qasbah: The Case of Amroha in Colonial India


Barbara Ogbone (Year 2011)

The impact of as-safar lil-ʿilm – translocal migration in search of religious education among Togolese Muslims

2011_Barbara Ogbone

Ali Sakr (Year 2016)

Theory of Poetry as a Part of a Philosophical System: Avicenna’s Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle in His Summa The Cure (Aš-Šifāʾ)


Anne Schönfeld (Year 2010)

Islam-specific knowledge production between science, politics and the public: The training of imams in Germany.


Masouda Stelzer (Year 2014)

The Politics of Democracy Promotion in Egypt


Adela Taleb (Year 2014)

Transcending national boundaries. The role of the EU and pan-European Muslim organisations in the discursive field of "European Islam".


Mareike Transfeld (Year 2015)

Working Title: The New Yemen(s): (Re-)Imagining National Identity, Geography and State on Facebook (2011-2016)


André Weißenfels (Year 2016)

Products of Work: Hybrid Subjectivities of Employees in Tunisia
