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Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs

Claudia Derichs

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Department of Asian and African Studies

Transregional Southeast Asian Studies

Topics: Islam in Southeast Asia; Transregional (political) Islam; Social movements/networks; Women living under Muslim Law(s)

Available for supervision of new PhD students

Field of research: Transregional Islamic Studies

Areas of Research: 1960s and 70s transregional; Critical studies of knowledge production; Politics and Society: Southeast Asia, Middle East, Japan; Transnational women's movements; Social movements in Japan and Southeast Asia 

Click here to read the full research profile (PDF)

Most recent publications:

2018. Derichs, Claudia: The Japanese Left and the Muslim World; in: Colvin, Sarah/Katharina Karcher (eds.): Women, Global Protest Movements and Political agency. Rethinking the Legacy of 1968. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-150 (Gender and Global Politics series).

Claudia Derichs is an editor of the "International Quarterly for Asian Studies" (IQAS): https://asianstudies.arnold-bergstraesser.de/en